Dr. Brian M. Berman

CBT Psychologist in Delaware County

Owner | Psychologist

Cognitive Behavioral Counseling

Dr. Berman is owner of Cognitive Behavioral Counseling LLC and works as a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice. He specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based treatments in order to help patients make choices that are consistent with their values.

Dr. Berman was published in Sober World Magazine, the 12 Step Gazette and Frontiers in Psychology. He leads IRB approved research studies examining the impact of acceptance and values on the treatment of substance abuse and mental health. Please click the publications tab to learn more about Dr. Berman’s research/publications. He earned a Doctorate of Psychology at La Salle University and holds Master’s Degrees in clinical psychology from La Salle University and West Chester University. 

Serving Delaware County, Chester County & Montgomery County Areas