Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Effective Using Telehealth and Video Counseling Formats?
Social distancing does not have to limit mental health care during our current health crisis. Physical distancing has allowed for new and innovative ways to deliver psychological treatments. One therapeutic approach in particular, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), has been shown by research to be as effective over the internet as in-person. A number of studies have been conducted over the past 5 to 10 years investigating the effectiveness of CBT interventions delivered through telephone, email, video conferencing and applications. CBT delivered in these formats has been shown to be at least as effective as traditional cognitive behavioral therapy.
How Does CBT Telehealth Work?
Empirically supported approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) are capable of being delivered over the internet in a similar manner as face-to-face visits in the office. A well-trained psychologist will perform a diagnostic evaluation, develop a treatment plan and teach therapeutic skills right in the comfort of your home. Because CBT and ACT are skills-based approaches, psychological interventions can help to manage racing thoughts, unwanted feelings, and unhelpful avoidance patterns.
What CBT Skills Are Taught Through Video Counseling?
Calm You Racing Thoughts
Often times, thoughts replay in the mind because they are “sticky”. CBT approaches teach how to “unhook” from sticky thoughts with the aim of refocussing on what matters in life.
Identifying Emotions
Emotions are powerful internal experiences which cause all sorts of unhealthy responses. It is impossible to change our behavioral responses without first identifying which particular emotions are present.
Acceptance is a critical element of mental health and necessary to create a feeling of ease. Without acceptance, there is a constant tension within. By building a stance of openness towards uncomfortable feelings, internal struggles that tax the human body are relieved.
Present moment awareness is an important skill which teaches clients how to be more fully engaged in the now. Building a better awareness of the present moment allows for opportunity to unhook from unhealthy thoughts and commit to core values.
Identifying values
Values identification helps clarify important areas of life and teaches how to fully engage in them. It is easy to get stuck avoiding uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, rather than living for what matters.
Building Towards Moves
Learning to take “towards moves”, or steps that moves one towards values, is an invaluable skill especially during social distancing. Taking actionable steps towards what is important in life has been shown to help make life more fulfilling.
Identifying Choice Points
Choice points are moments in time between stimulus and response. During a choice point, a person pauses before choosing whether to make decisions guided by avoidance or based on values. In other words, whose in the driver’s seat?
Wise Choices
Wise choices are decisions that remain values-driven even in the face of unwanted internal stimuli. In other words, wise choices are made when a person is mindful of their feelings, unhooks from sticky thoughts, approaches emotions with openness and moves towards meaningful life experiences.
Evidenced-Based Approaches for Teletherapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)
Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PET)

CBC’s blog is for educational purposes only. It is not to be used as personal advice or to take the place of seeing a licensed professional